Old version - Intro

To install FCS first you need to build it. This will be automatead in near future.

Old version - Requirements

Before you start make sure you have

You can test is on *nix machine with which command. E.g.: which git. This should output full path to git command. If there is nothing your system doesn't have it.

Old version - Installation

  • Clone repository
    • cd to dir where you want to makie app directory
    • Run command in your terminal git clone git@github.com:FoodCoopSystem/foodcoopsystem.git
    • cd foodcoopsystem/app
  • Setup
    1. Run drush make script: drush make foodcoopsystem.make
    2. Install default Drupal version (follow installer).
    3. Replace installed new Drupal version with the Database from /database folder.
    4. Run drush updb
    5. Run drush vdel preprocess_css
    6. Run drush cc all
    7. Set admin (UID 1) password to your desire one drush upwd admin --password=secr3tPass

Old version - Installation (automated version)

  • Prepare your environement. You can use our docker image for that task.
  • cd to dir with your codebase.
  • Add file app/sites/default/local.settings.php file and add database details to that file. Example file:
$databases['default']['default'] = array(
  'driver' => 'mysql',
  'database' => 'foodcoop',
  'username' => 'root',
  'password' => 'root',
  'host' => 'db',
  'prefix' => '',
  • Execute build script: ./scripts/rebuild_directory_local.sh.